Everyone has a website, they are the easiest way to present your company and explain to visitor who you are, what you do and what makes you different. Having a custom Domain and emails that match, is a simple way to gain better control over your brand and manage your team.
But for equipment dealers it’s a little harder to present both your company, your team, your services and your products. This is because our products or inventory are always changing. Our products tend to be serialized construction equipment, so listing your inventory requires a more complex website and a way to update the information.
While this is a challenge faced by dealers, especially smaller dealers it is possible to have better control over your presence, present your inventory, build a stronger brand and stronger relationships with your customers.
Here are 5 reasons why you should build your own website.
Present your dealership and team the way you want. Focus on the strengths and values that you feel are important. Add content that brings value to your clients, expand on services you offer and present your inventory in the style you feel has the greatest impact.
You can add a blog, picture gallery and videos. These features are great to post on social media using Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or Linked In. Each post links visitors back to your website. Increasing the links and traffic to your site helps you rise to the top of internet search when people are looking for equipment or services.
Technologies like WordPress, Square Space and several others can create your website with rich images, modern design, attractive layouts and they are built to be mobile friendly. There are numerous hosting solutions and they are low cost, starting at $20 per month. These platforms have excellent integrated Analytics, SEO and SSL security, all of these help you increase traffic and visibility
Present your inventory without directing customers to an advertising site. Updating the site’s inventory can be automated from your CRM or inventory system, no manual reentry of data and when you sell a machine, it’s removed from your site. You can separate your website inventory and choose which machines to post on each marketing/advertising channel. Owning your own site puts you in control of your marketing.
Analytics systems. Take advantage of the market’s best analytics platforms from website platforms or Google and others. Understand who’s visiting your site, where they come from, what they see, how long they stay. Understand how to improve your Bounce Rate (Users that leave without clicking anything on the site) and Conversion Rate (Users that take action by clicking a contact button). Why have 1000 people hit your site without a single lead?
Feel free to contact us if you’re looking for cost effective options for your new website and how to integrate your systems for simplicity.